Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Brush/Tree Clearing-Take 2

Well, now that we've got a preliminary site plan, it stands to reason that we now have a better idea of where we need to clear more trees off the property.
So the plan was to go out on Sunday to do some more chainsaw work. Good thing we checked the weather and changed the plan to Saturday!
Also, we were very lucky, once again, to have the help of a friend.
The guys started about 11am and when I showed up with the kids after nap we were amazed at the amount of work that had been done . They now had a truck all the way back in the property!
You can see we have a pretty awesome bonfire in our near future...
Unfortunately the work did not come without some minor injuries.
For the tree huggers out there, stay away from Black Locust, which has thorns.


The kids and I also visited with our new neighbors-2 horses. I have a feeling we'll need to set up more comfortable seating. James could have spent all day there watching them!

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