Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Shit Runs Downhill

This week our septic system was installed. These are actually quite common in areas that lack connection to main sewage pipes provided by local governments. As you know we are in an unincorporated area, on 5 acres, so we had to get our own (small scale) sewage system.

Below the photo is a diagram that shows how it works. In our case, our system is gravity based (the shit rolls downhill, ha, ha) and flows into a 1500 gallon tank, which then flows out to our field.
It should be noted that "A properly designed and normally operating septic system is odor-free and, besides periodic inspection and emptying of the septic tank, should last for decades with minimal maintenance."
You are at the (C)Copyright Protected 2006-1986 Septic System Information Website - Septic Tanks, Septic Fields, Septic System Repairs, Septic System Design - this sketch is a Septic tank

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